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Common Tree Problems

A Guide to Taking Care of Your Trees During a Drought

Learn how to care for your trees during drought conditions with this detailed guide. Discover effective strategies for maintaining tree health and learn about recognizing signs of drought stress. This blog post also addresses the risks of fertilizing during droughts and the importance of strategic pruning to help trees better withstand and recover from dry periods.

A Guide to Vertical Mulching

Discover the importance of vertical mulching and its role in maintaining healthy tree roots with this informative blog post. Delve into the technique's benefits, such as alleviating soil compaction and enhancing water penetration, to ensure the vitality and longevity of your trees. This guide provides insights on safeguarding your trees' critical root zones, emphasizing proactive care for a thriving garden.

What to Do When Tree Branches Hang Over Your Roof

So, how dangerous are trees hanging over your rooftop? When should you be worried and take some action? Here’s everything you need to know.When tree branches hang over your roof, they pose various risks to your home and health. In this post, we outline the dangers of overhanging branches, the signs of potential risks, and the importance of regular inspection and tree care. You'll also find guidelines on safely removing branches and the benefits of professional assistance.

11 Hardwood Trees for Windy Locations

Learn how to landscape effectively in windy locations! This post highlights five resilient hardwood trees ideal for such conditions, detailing their unique features and benefits. Discover how these wind-resistant species can enhance your garden's durability and aesthetics, ensuring long-term health and stability in challenging environments.

Armillaria Root Rot—Its Bark Glows in the Dark!

Learn about Armillaria Root Rot, a persistent fungal disease that threatens trees. We'll explore the causes, symptoms, and economic impacts of the disease as well as prevention and treatment strategies to protect your trees and landscapes from this hidden menace.

Surface Roots: Unsightly and Unsafe!

Learn about the challenges and solutions for managing surface roots in your yard. In this post, we'll cover the causes of surface roots and explore the issues they create, such as damage to infrastructure and tripping hazards. Discover effective strategies for managing surface roots to maintain a safe and visually appealing landscape.

How to Get Grass (And Other Plants) to Grow Under Your Evergreens

Transform the shaded, barren spaces under your evergreen trees into thriving gardens. In this blog post, we'll offer practical advice on overcoming challenges like limited sunlight, acidic soil, and water competition. Learn effective strategies for soil preparation, strategic pruning, and selecting shade-tolerant grasses and groundcovers to cultivate a lush, vibrant landscape beneath your evergreens.

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