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Bizarre Lumps, Bumps, and Growths in Your Yard!

Explore the intriguing world of galls—unusual growths on plants caused by insects, bacteria, or fungi. This blog post delves into the diverse types of galls, their causes, and their effects on plant health. Learn about effective management strategies and discover creative uses for removed galls, from crafting to natural dyeing.

Understanding and Combating the Spotted Lanternfly

The invasive Spotted Lanternfly poses serious threats to trees and crops. Learn how to identify, prevent, and manage this pest with expert insights from Arborist Now, San Francisco's trusted tree care provider. Protect your landscape today!

Pest of the Month: Biting Oak Mite

Biting oak mites can cause skin irritation and discomfort for anyone exposed to them. In this guide, we explain how to identify oak mites, prevent infestations, and treat any bites effectively. Protect yourself and your trees with expert advice from Arborist Now, your trusted San Francisco tree care specialists.

Pest of the Month: Spider Mites

Spider mites can wreak havoc on your plants and trees, especially during the dry season. Learn how to identify, prevent, and control these pests with expert advice from Arborist Now. Protect your landscaping and maintain healthy greenery year-round.

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