Why Arborist Now is the Best Choice in Tree Care

Arborist Now is the best choice for tree preservation, tree preventative care, tree emergencies, and tree removal in the San Francisco Bay Area.
One of the most important aspects of developing a beautiful landscape is maintaining healthy, thriving trees.
There is nothing quite as pleasing and valuable as having healthy trees on your property. Not only do they add to its aesthetic appeal; trees provide a natural habitat for local wildlife and help to increase the energy efficiency of nearby structures such as your home.
However, it is important to understand that trees require regular upkeep. According to experts at Arborist Now, professional tree care is essential to help ensure the visual beauty, safety, and value of your landscape and property. A stately tree, mature and graceful, cannot be easily or quickly replaced, and planting new trees is expensive, so protecting your trees is a top priority.
Arborist Now provides a comprehensive program schedule for the regular examination and treatment of the trees in urban outdoor spaces. With regular maintenance, these plants will be healthy and long-lasting. Our programs focus on long-term tree healthcare, tree structure evaluation, and tree preservation.
Your custom-designed annual maintenance plan fits the needs of your space. It includes a full structural evaluation of every tree during our visit as well as a detailed analysis of a tree’s health, condition, and overall growth.
Viewing a Lush Tree from Below - Photo by David Vig on Unsplash
Tree Preservation
Tree preservation is critical to increase your tree’s chance of survival and maintain the tree’s health.
A well-conceived tree preservation plan is an excellent tool for maintaining the overall vision, health, safety, and aesthetics of your landscape. Trees grow quickly and change over time. At Arborist Now, tree preservation is an integral part of our residential and commercial tree services. Our objective is aimed at the long-lasting conservation of valued trees that may be historic, interesting, rare, odd, mature, or desirable for other reasons and those that are not a direct threat to their immediate surroundings. We are dedicated to the conservation of trees for future generations to enjoy.
Arborist Now is often called upon by homeowners and businesses in San Francisco to assess the health of an older tree and provide the best course of action to preserve and improve its health. We use a combination of pruning, root zone therapy, and soil improvement to revive or sustain older trees.
We offer unmatched attention to tree preservation by providing a complete tree analysis and assessment of your needs and budget. We are committed to protecting and conserving your investment.
Tree Preventative Care
Long-term tree healthcare
At Arborist Now, we take a proactive approach to tree healthcare. Our team works closely with our commercial and residential clients by utilizing diagnostic tools that analyze the soil, monitor disease and insect infestation, and assess numerous environmental factors that affect plant growth and development. Our tree health management plans help to build the social, environmental, and economic resilience of your tree population. As experts in tree health management in San Francisco, we tailor plans to suit your individual property, providing information and recommendations that address your specific concerns and budget. Our goal is to ensure that your trees remain beautiful and healthy!
A Cross-Section of an Old Tree - Photo by MrGanso on Pixabay
Tree Structure Evaluation
Arborist Now provides unmatched tree structure evaluation in San Francisco and surrounding areas. One of the most important aspects of caring for trees is finding symptoms of decay, weak branches, splits and cracks, and other signs of poor health when performing a tree structure evaluation.
Safety is first and foremost! Trees are beautiful, yet it is prudent to never underestimate the potential risk trees pose to their surroundings. It is crucial to have trees checked periodically for structural issues, decay, exposure, or poorly distributed weight. These conditions prove hazardous to the tree and can cause personal injury or property damage.
Arborist Now provides structural evaluation for every tree we service, and we tailor solutions for each individual tree. We are dedicated to thoroughly inspecting trees and reporting all potential hazards. In addition to tree inspection by a skilled climber, we provide a detailed report giving solutions to remedy structural weakness.
The experts at Arborist Now understand that tree health and structure can be seriously compromised due to storm damage, severe weather conditions, and poor growth patterns as well as a poor root system, the most common condition leading to afflicted tree structure.
Tree Emergencies
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is a philosophical question about observation and perception. Well, if a tree falls on your property – —whether you hear it or not, there is no doubt about what you see, and you become fully aware of the danger and damage caused by such an incident!
In the event of an urgent situation associated with trees on your property, the trained staff at Arborist Now is available with emergency services to handle hazardous and storm-damaged trees. As an established tree care service with fully trained crews and equipped with the most up-to-date gear, we provide emergency tree care service for clients as quickly as possible in San Francisco and surrounding areas. We carefully assess the situation to determine the most appropriate approach to remove any immediate danger. Upon completion of emergency services, our crews take care to clean up debris and help to ameliorate the location of the emergency.
Fallen Trees
Trees, in general, should be taken seriously. Whether it is planting or maintenance or removal, trees are often the source of major neighborhood disputes and, in many cases, lawsuits.
After severe storms, thousands of trees can be uprooted, blown over, damaged, and otherwise scattered around a neighborhood. The biggest question—who is responsible for removal of the fallen trees and debris?
As a rule, trees that fall onto your property are your problem and may be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy. This is true even if those trees are rooted on your neighbor’s property. Most insurance companies maintain that property owners are responsible for protecting their property. It is advisable to review your policy coverage with your insurance agent, as coverage will vary from company to company.
Prior to hiring a tree removal service, make sure the contractor is insured. Tree removal contractors should carry property, casualty, and worker’s compensation insurance. Without worker’s compensation insurance, any tree removal worker injured on your property could sue you for the damages suffered in the line of work.
Fallen Branches
Whether an unexpected storm brought down tree branches on your property or an aging tree simply dropped some weakened branches, most of us know what a time-consuming nuisance it is to dispose of the debris and clean up the mess.
Removing large fallen tree branches by yourself can be very difficult and dangerous, especially if you don’t have experience with tree removal. Using a chainsaw is also extremely dangerous. Calling on professionals like Arborist Now is highly recommended, as fallen branches can occur in many different dangerous scenarios. Partially fallen trees are the most dangerous, as they are usually supported by a few branches under great tension and can resume falling at any time.
An Uprooted, Fallen Tree - Photo by Rkit on Pixabay
Storm-Damaged Trees
Following a major storm with substantial damage, the first reaction of property owners is to get moving and clean up the mess! But hasty decisions can result in removing trees that could have been saved.
Approaching the situation carefully, you can give your trees a good chance to survive rather than unnecessarily having them removed. Arborist Now suggests that home and property owners follow a few simple rules in dispensing tree first aid after a storm:
Don't attempt to do it yourself. If large limbs are broken or hanging, or if high climbing or overhead chainsaw work is needed, it is a job for professional arborists.
Take safety precautions. Stay away from any downed utility lines, low-voltage telephone lines, or cable lines. Even fence wires can become electrically charged when there are fallen or broken electrical lines nearby.
Remove any broken branches still attached to the tree. Removing the jagged remains of smaller-sized broken limbs is one common repair that property owners can make after a storm. If done properly, it will minimize the risk of decay agents entering the wound. Smaller branches should be pruned at the point where they join larger ones. Large branches that are broken should be cut back to the trunk or a main limb by an arborist.
Do not allow your trees to be topped! Untrained individuals may urge you to cut back all of the branches on the mistaken assumption that reducing the length of branches will help avoid breakage in future storms. While storm damage may not always allow for ideal pruning cuts, professional arborists say that "topping," or cutting main branches back to stubs, is one of the worst things you can do for your trees. At best, its recovery will be slowed, and it will almost never regain its original shape or beauty.
Dead Tree Hazards
A dead tree on your home’s property can lead to many complications involving
your property.
If you are dealing with a dying or dead tree, you may face potential issues that include:
- Property Damage: A dead tree could pose a large threat to your property due to being weak, and it could break or fall over and cause serious damage to your home and/or areas of your property.
- Personal Injury: Since the wood is weak on a dead tree, it is much more prone to breakage than that of a healthy tree. You can never be certain if a branch or limb is secure or not, and the risk of it detaching or breaking unexpectedly while someone is near is far too great and could result in serious injury or fatality.
- Utility Line Damage: Dead tree removal is important before the tree branches become a threat to your utility lines. Dead branches could easily fall and leave you without power.
- Infestation: Dead trees often become a gathering place and breeding ground for various insects and critters than can turn into a nuisance.
Getting rid of dead trees is a good way to keep this from happening, and the only way to safely and securely do this is by calling a professional tree care company like Arborist Now.
Dead tree removal sometimes means working within the confines of tight spaces. If this is the case, it takes a professional arborist to safely maneuver within the space and remove the tree. Often, tree removal involves clearing land, and even if a homeowner manages to take down the tree, the stump still remains a hazard and needs to be cleared from the area to avoid additional dangers.
Arborist Now has spent years working with homeowners to beautify and protect their trees and surrounding property. We offer superior tree removal service because we understand how important these jobs are to preserve the natural beauty of the land and protect you and your home.
When nature’s fury is at its worst, trees commonly fall victim to heavy rains and severe winds. Too much wet weather often causes soil erosion around the roots of trees, which can cause a tree to lean or fall. Additionally, too much erosion may affect the health of the tree. It may develop a disease that rots or weakens it. Fallen, leaning, and weakened trees all pose a hazard to people and property and should be handled immediately. Following bad weather, take a walk around your property and, if you notice that your trees have branches that are damaged, contact an emergency tree trimming service about removing the hazardous limbs. Even if your trees show no signs of obvious damage after a severe weather event, or an immediate emergency does not exist, it is important to have your property inspected by a certified arborist to ensure that no symptoms and conditions are present. Even if your trees do not exhibit obvious damage after a weather event, or no immediate emergency exists, it is important to have your property inspected by a certified arborist who may detect symptoms and conditions that could lead to problems later.
With this information, the tree removal service can start working. After planning and thorough analysis, the tree service will use their expertise, experience, and equipment to safely remove the tree trunk or limbs from your property.
To ensure that the removal task is safely performed from start to finish, you must contact a reliable and trustworthy emergency tree removal service. At Arborist Now, we offer emergency tree removal services in addition to our other services, like standard tree removal, tree trimming, and tree pruning.
Apple Scab Disease Spots on a Green Leaf - Photo from agric.wa.gov.au
As with other plants, trees are often affected by diseases. If a diseased tree is not spotted, the symptoms can do a significant amount of damage and even end up killing it. While some diseases cause a tree to die and become hollow, other diseases affect the root structure holding the tree in place. Eventually, affected trees present a hazard to people and nearby property. It is very important to contact an arborist for an assessment at the first signs of disease, which include leaf loss, branch loss, and leaf discoloration. When found and treated early, tree diseases can usually be reversed. If the disease is too advanced, however, you may need to contact a tree care service for trimming or removal in an emergency situation.
What to do if you have a diseased tree
A diseased tree can cause a variety of problems for residential and commercial landscapes. If you suspect you have a diseased tree, contact Arborist Now for an on-site evaluation. Our certified arborists determine which branches and parts of the tree are diseased and if the situation is salvageable. We specialize in removing dead trees and diseased tree limbs in the event the tree cannot be saved. Give us a call to speak to a knowledgeable representative and let Arborist Now help your diseased tree and prevent further damage to its surroundings.
Insect-infested Trees
Countless insects live on, in, and around trees—many are harmless, while others can cause serious damage and can possibly kill trees. Arborist Now tree experts detect and treat trees with insect infestations. Here are the three main types of insects that affect trees:
Chewing insects, which defoliate trees, migrate to the vegetation of a tree and feed on the leaves; others attack the fruit. Usually, trees quickly recover, though repeat infestations can weaken a tree and eventually kill it by starving it of energy.
Boring insects are often the most harmful to trees. A tree left untreated may die. Boring or tunneling insects cause damage by boring into the stem, roots, or twigs of a tree; some lay eggs that hatch, and the larvae burrow more deeply into the wood, blocking off the water-conducting tissues of the tree. Regular monitoring of a tree's trunk for signs of boring insects enables early identification and quick treatment.
Sucking insects do damage by sucking out the liquid from leaves and twigs. Signs of infestation include scaly formations on branches, dieback of leaves, and honeydew production.
How to Handle a Tree Removal Emergency
Fallen Street Trees - Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay
Trees fall for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the tree in your yard had a pest infestation or a fungal disease and was no longer healthy enough to support its own weight. Severe weather conditions place heavy strain on the tree’s trunk or limbs, causing cracks or causing it to fall over.
No matter the situation, discovering a large tree or tree limb resting against the roof of your house, dangling in power lines, or blocking the road is a serious matter and can be very frightening. Prompt action must be taken to ensure that no one is hurt and no further damage is done to your property. Here are a few steps that can help you manage the situation and secure the assistance of an emergency tree removal service.
1. Call an Emergency Tree Removal Service
Fallen trees are incredibly dangerous to work with. These broken limbs and trunks can be extremely unpredictable. Tree removal experts are trained to handle a variety of tree removal situations and will have the skill, experience, and equipment necessary to carefully extract the fallen tree or limbs without further damaging surrounding property.
2. Keep your distance
While waiting for your emergency tree service to arrive and complete the removal, it is important that everyone stays a safe distance away from the fallen tree or limbs. If a tree trunk or limb is resting on a vehicle or house, do not enter either for any reason. To do so, you are entering an incredibly unpredictable and unsafe environment. Be particularly careful and stay completely clear of any downed power lines to avoid electric shock.
It is important to stay a safe distance away from the area where the tree emergency is located. This will keep you and your family out of harm’s way and allow the emergency tree service the space they need to do the work.
3. Provide important details to tree service
When the emergency tree removal service arrives, it is important that the team leaders be fully aware of any additional information before starting on the project. The tree service’s goal is to safely remove the threat from your property without causing any additional damage. You should explain the current situation, the surrounding landscape, what you would like done with the tree or limbs, and anything else that would be helpful.
Why Should You Have Trees Professionally Removed?
The Arborist Now Team Removes a Fallen Tree
Removing a tree is not an easy task and involves much more than residents and homeowners realize. If you’re faced with a situation where you need a tree removed from your property, there are many reasons why you should get your tree professionally removed.
Arborists in the San Francisco and Bay area have the right equipment to perform the job. A professional tree removal company like Arborist Now will know exactly what tools and manpower it takes to ensure the job is performed as safely and as efficiently as possible.
Arborist Now's expertise in arboriculture and professional care of the landmark trees in San Francisco has made us a top choice for residential and commercial tree care services in San Francisco and the Bay Area. We appreciate that every tree and surrounding landscape is distinctive. We offer a full range of residential and commercial tree services to keep your trees and landscape healthy and vibrant throughout the year.
Arborist Now has an excellent reputation for quality and safety. Our team of professional tree experts is committed to offering only the most professional and comprehensive tree care services in San Francisco and a timely response for emergency tree services.
Arborist Now’s mission is to be San Francisco’s premier tree care service company by providing superior quality arboriculture and landscape services protecting every client’s investment. We look forward to working with and for you! Contact us today.
Originally published on September 6, 2017.