A Guide to Controlling and Removing Dandelions from Your Landscaping

When it comes to your lawn care and landscaping, dandelions are most likely going to be the most common weed to deal with.
However, we are going to share our guide for both preventing the dandelion population in your lawn and for removing them completely. If you keep up with them, especially in the spring, they will become far easier to deal with.
How to Prevent Dandelions
Dandelions Are a Common Sight in Open Green Spaces - Image by Beeki on Pixabay
The best way to prevent dandelions is by ensuring that your lawn stays at its healthiest. If you simply wait for weeds to appear and then destroy them, you’re making more work for yourself.
Managing your lawn properly can be extremely effective against weeds. Here are some of our top tips for avoiding dandelions altogether.
1. Grass Clippings
While it may be tempting to pick up your lawn clippings for the sake of neatness, consider leaving them on your grass.
Grass clippings actually do a great job of providing mulch for your lawn to protect against weed seeds. If the lawn is covered in clippings, the dandelion seeds won’t be able to germinate.
On top of being good for weeds, grass clippings are great for naturally watering and feeding your lawn .
2. Avoid Bare Spots
If you start to notice any bare spots in your lawn, try to make sure they are covered immediately.
Leaving spots in your lawn only invites weeds to begin growing in the area. Once you see the area, fill it in by overseeding.
3. Consider the Length of Your Lawn
It may be tempting for you to cut your grass extremely short, but leaving it is an easier way to protect it from dandelion weeds.
We recommend leaving the height of your lawn at around 2-3 inches. This length will ensure that weeds that are trying to grow don’t have the light they need to thrive.
If prevention isn’t what you need, and you have dandelions already growing, here are some ways to get rid of them.
How to Get Rid of Dandelions
Effective Weed Control Helps Maintain a Healthy Lawn
Depending on the way you want to handle the dandelions, you have a few different options. Here are some of the tried-and-true methods.
1. Pulling Them
Pulling up dandelions is the most common (and the most strenuous) way to handle them. However, it’s a great way to get rid of the problem without using any chemicals.
There are tools available specifically for dandelion removal, or you can simply use a garden spade for the job.
To get started, make a cut into the soil with your preferred tool, and use it to pull up the weed. Make sure that you have a good grip on the stalk and the leaves while you scoop it up with the tool. If it doesn’t come up easily, make a few more cuts around the weed and then try again.
2. Reusing the Dandelions
Believe it or not, every single part of the dandelion is edible . The plant is actually quite nutritious and can be used for many different recipes.
These weeds are high in iron as well as vitamins A and C. The only thing to really watch out for is dandelions growing near a road, as there could be salt or other sorts of toxins in them.
If you are weeding your lawn in early spring, this is the ideal time to harvest the plants. They are the most tender and the least bitter this time of year.
3. Herbicides
If you are not up for pulling them out one by one, and you don’t want to eat them, herbicides may be the best option.
For a less toxic, slightly more natural option, vinegar is a great choice. Roundup also works very well as a chemical herbicide.
Our Final Thoughts on Handling Dandelions
Yellow Dandelions Standing Out in a Green Landscape - Image by Ela Haney
Effectively managing dandelions in your landscape requires a combination of proactive prevention, proper lawn care, and strategic removal methods. By maintaining healthy grass, using natural or targeted treatments, and staying consistent in your approach, you can keep these persistent weeds from taking over your outdoor space. Whether you choose manual removal, organic solutions, or selective herbicides, the key is persistence and early intervention. With the right care and techniques, you can enjoy a beautiful, dandelion-free lawn while supporting the overall health of your landscape.
No matter how you decide to get rid of your dandelions, we hope our guide is helpful to the process. Which removal process appeals to you the most?
Originally published on March 14, 2019.