ClickCease Archive for 2019 - Topics, News, and Trends in Tree Care and Landscaping - Arborist Now

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Archive for 2019

Avoiding Frost Damage on New Trees

Depending on where you are located, you may still be waiting to experience the first frost of the year. If you are not sure how to protect your newly planted trees in this situation, you have come to the right place.

Ways to Reuse Your Christmas Tree in Your Landscaping

If you went with a live Christmas tree this year, you may be wondering what to do with it after the holiday season. For those of you who want to reuse it instead of just recycling it or throwing it away, we are here to tell you that you can actually use it in your gardening!

Our Top 5 Holiday Landscaping Tips

Interested in adding a little more festivity to your landscaping before the holidays hit?
Here are some of our favorite options for decorating your yard before Christmas.

Decorating Your Front Porch for the Holidays

Here are some options for those of you who want to add some holiday cheer to your front porch. Whether you want something elaborate and bright or something minimal, there are options for you here.

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