The Top Landscaping Trends for 2020

The Top Landscaping Trends for 2020
A new year is here, and it’s time to think about what will be popular in landscaping for 2020. With a brand new year (and decade) upon us, there are many new innovations when it comes to landscaping and gardening.
Awesome Landscaping Trends to Look Out for This Year
Here are some of our favorite up and coming trends for landscaping in 2020.
1. Low Maintenance Gardening
Low maintenance gardening is something that is being seen a lot in landscaping these days. Instead of choosing complicated and intricate designs that need lots of upkeep, you can still have vibrant and beautiful plants and landscaping while cutting down on the maintenance.
By focusing on the foliage instead of intricate design, it’s easy to make a landscape you can be proud of without breaking your back with keeping it up.
Not sure what to consider for low maintenance plants? Here’s a great list.
2. Reusing/Repurposing Items in the Garden
Going green is becoming more and more popular in every aspect of our lives, and landscaping is not excluded from that. By reusing items you already have, you are making a more “green” choice than if you go out and buy new products.
DIYing your own unique projects for your landscaping can add a very personal touch and can be a fun project for you and the family, in addition to helping out the environment. On top of making your own decorations with items you already own, you can also repurpose some garden items for more practical uses as well. Old pots can be reused to start seeds, containers can be used to collect water, etc.
3. Composting
Another great way to make your landscaping and garden greener this year is by composting. Composting can be done on small or large properties, it provides your plants with additional nutrients that they need to survive, it increases your garden soil’s fertility, and it reduces your carbon footprint.
4. Vertical Gardens
Another great trend that we are expecting to see more in 2020 is vertical gardening. Doing this is especially great if you don’t have a lot of extra landscaping to spare, or if you live somewhere without any space at all.
Vertical gardening can include plants going up a fence, outside wall, the outside of your home, or your deck. The term is fairly loose and you can really make it your own.
5. Growing Food
Lastly, keeping with the sustainability theme that is becoming even more popular in 2020, we have growing your own food and herbs in your landscaping.
Doing this can be incredibly easy, affordable, and great for the planet! You can also make it fun for guests by allowing them to pick their own fruits, vegetables, or spices for a meal.
If you have an outdoor room that you use as a kitchen, having your ingredients right in front of you is a great way to connect with nature and ensure that you are eating top-quality produce.
Seeking Professional Help for the New 2020 Landscaping Trends
If you are looking forward to implementing any of these landscaping trends this year, you may need some professional help to get started. For questions of what to do, what plants to choose, and safety, make sure that you contact a local, trusted landscaping company for assistance.
For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, make sure to contact Homescape Now for assistance making your 2020 landscaping the best it’s ever been!