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Signs That You Should Prune Your Trees

Signs That You Should Prune Your Trees

We have discussed the importance of pruning your trees previously, but how will you know when your trees will need it throughout the year?

Let’s discuss the signs you should look out for on your trees that may be telling you they need some additional work. Some of these may be fairly obvious, but others might not be on your radar and even too subtle to notice without special attention.


The first sign we are going to talk about is important, and it may not be something you notice right away as a reminder to prune your trees.

If the branches on your trees are so thick that you can’t even seen through them, they need to be pruned. This is because high-density trees are actually a potential hazard during storms and heavy winds and cause damage when the branches become heavier and even break off.

You can judge this one for yourself – keep an eye on how thick the collection of branches on each tree is to ensure it isn’t too dense to be dangerous.

Broken Branches

Our next sign may be a little more obvious for you homeowners and landscapers. If you spot any broken (or breaking/splintering/bowing) tree branches, they need to be pruned.

Typically you will see this type of damage after heavy snow, rain, and/or winds. When that issue isn’t taken care of immediately, broken branches can actually become extremely dangerous. They could fall and hit something easily after being weakened.

An easy way to keep up on this sign is to simply walk your property after a rainfall or any kind of intense weather to make sure your trees are intact. If you see damage, make sure to prune as soon as possible. For extremely enormous amounts of damage, you may even need to have the tree removed .

Dead Limbs/Sections

Another sure sign that your trees need some immediate attention is deadwood. If you have trees with dead branches or even large areas of the trunk that are dead or dying, this can indicate a serious disease or pest issue with it.

If you get to the pruning quickly enough, you may be able to prevent the spread of the disease/pest and decay. On the other hand, if the tree is left for a long period of time without care, the whole thing may have to be removed.

Wandering Tree Branches

Wandering tree branches refer to any branches of your trees that have actually grown big and long enough to grow over your house or any other structure. This includes power lines that have the potential to be a huge safety and fire hazard.

For issues like this, we highly, highly recommend that you contact us or another arborist to ensure that your family and property are safe. Having a professional take care of this issue also keeps you safe from potential harm as well.

A Displeasing Shape/Misshapen Tree

As you probably know, regular pruning can be seriously helpful when it comes to making sure your trees have a pleasing shape and fit into the space they are growing in.

Tree often don’t do this on their own, however. Those that don’t grow in an optimal pattern will most likely require regular, frequent pruning. Without this those trees can break easily and cause damage to your property or other trees.

Too Much Growth

Like most other plants you have come across, trees will naturally grow upwards towards the light of the sun. When you are in an urban landscape, however, your trees don’t have to compete with other plants for natural sunlight.

Because of this, some trees will actually just grow outward instead of straight up into the sky. This causes the branches of your trees to become too heavy and may break under their own weight. To handle this, we again recommend a certified arborist to prune back the branches and take care of the issue.

Above All Else, Safety First!

Whether it is an issue you can handle, or you have to call a professional in to help you prune your trees, make sure safety is your top priority.

Wear strong gloves and eye protection, and clothes that covers up any visible skin. If the problem seems too daunting or above your skill level, call a professional arborist to help you out.

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