What is Urban Landscaping?

If you have been keeping up with landscaping trends over the past few years, you have most likely heard of urban landscaping.
This is an extremely popular aspect of landscaping that has been growing and growing throughout the last five years or so. If you have heard the term but aren’t sure what it means, you are in the right place. We are going to be taking an in-depth look at what urban landscaping is, looking at examples of it, and discussing the benefits of this trend as well.
Let’s get started!
So, What is Urban Landscaping?
A Metal Fence Borders a Paved Walkway Lined with Trees - Image by Pixabay
Urban landscaping is the act of taking a piece of land, no matter how big or small, and beautifying it with trees, plants, and other aspects of nature. This is becoming a huge trend in congested cities that are packed full of buildings.
Designers in urban landscaping have to focus on making sure that the space they are filling with nature is still as functional as it was originally. They are usually working with spaces that are already filled with buildings, furniture, lights, sidewalks, and other normal urban items, so they have much less space to work with than other types of landscapers have.
This can definitely be a more in-depth process than regular landscaping. Oftentimes it takes having horticulturalists, conservationists, surveyors, and landscape designers collaborate to make it all come together.
Urban landscaping really requires so much planning, especially because it does require so many different professionals to make it come together. The base plan that is made allows the designers involved to discover any problem areas and to outline the design they are going with. After the base plan, the actual landscape is visualized with a concept plan. This plan helps visualize the borders, topography, and placement for the end product.
Preliminary designs, which are also commonly called draft designs, are the deciding factor for where the trees, shrubs, and plants are going to be placed and how this greenery will relate to the sun exposure it gets, the climate, and the current structures and trees in the space.
Hardscaping is a huge part of urban landscaping as well. Fences, gazebos, natural rock, and other elements can be easily incorporated to blend in well with a city landscape. Having hardscaping involved allows plant locations and beds to be organized and put into the correct place.
What Are Some Examples of Urban Landscaping?
An Elaborate Rooftop Garden - Image by Art Tower on Pixabay
So now you what urban landscaping is, but what do you think of when you imagine it? Urban landscaping can show up in many different designs and forms.
Some of the more common examples that you see are things like vertical gardening, roof gardens, and small places on sidewalks that showcase appropriate trees, plants, flowers, and shrubs.
Vertical landscaping is an awesome way to promote greenery in urban areas like congested cities and neighborhoods. Since there is no soil or grass to physically plant in, why not use the sides of buildings that are in vast abundance instead? There are many different plants that thrive when planted vertically, and they change the entire look of the area they are planted in.
Rooftop gardening is another fantastic aspect of cities that have embraced a greener outlook. This allows people who do not own land to embrace nature with their own plants, trees, flowers, and even food. It also really adds to the area’s character and is a beautiful way to bring in parts of the natural world to urban areas.
Often times on sidewalks you will see small areas of mulch, with a small bush or tree in it to add some greenery. This is a simple, easy way to add greenery to a congested area. Adding in some greenery or even creating extremely tiny community gardens that allow members of the city to plant their own flowers and plants are good ways to bring more attention to these areas as well.
What Are the Benefits of Urban Landscaping?
A Row of Urban Houses Accented with Plants - Image by Magda Ehlers
So why are cities embracing this type of landscaping? What are the benefits of landscaping in urban areas?
One of the biggest benefits when it comes to this type of landscaping is what trees can do for the environment and the value of the area they are planted in. Having street trees actually creates a lot more curb appeal and is considered to be of greater value than an area without them.
On top of that, trees produce additional oxygen and clean the air. Cities tend to have a lot more pollution, so having trees to help clear it out is a great addition.
Sidewalk gardens are a great way to reduce flooding and water pollution as well. Rainstorms can actually overload sewer systems, which often results in polluted runoff in cities. Trees and sidewalk gardens will actually catch the water before it reaches that point. A mature tree can actually store fifty to one hundred gallons of water during a big storm, which really makes a big difference.
Trees and gardens on the street also create a great physical barrier between the sidewalk and the street, making it a little safer for pets and children who need to be kept out of the road. On top of that, they tend to absorb some of the noise from traffic and increase privacy for any homes or apartments right on the street.
Urban landscaping is a trend that we absolutely love and look forward to seeing grow in the future. If you live in a city yourself and are interested in creating your own landscaping, get in touch with local urban landscaping professionals for help.
Curious about which trees will work best with your urban landscaping? Contact us to expert advice and assistance!
Originally published on July 13, 2018.